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Mobile Detailing in Anaheim CA – Premier Mobile Auto Detailers

What is mobile auto detailing?

Mobile detailing is a service that can be done on the spot or brought into your home. Mobile detailers usually come with everything you need to clean and polish any vehicle, whether it’s exterior only, interior only (for cars), paint correction, or ceramic coatings.

Mobile Detailing has become more popular over time mainly because many people have increasingly short lives where every minute counts towards being productive, so spending some extra money buys oneself plenty of free time by hiring someone who will do this job instead.

Benefits of mobile detailing service

Auto detailing is a great way to keep your car looking its best. Your auto detailing service team here at Luxe will do everything we can so that you never have an issue with the paintwork, scratches, or other damages on the outside of this precious vehicle. And it won’t just help make the paint job last longer – cars that are detailed frequently shine like new! Auto Detailing also helps protect against wear-and-tear from daily use which means more peace of mind when it comes to selling your vehicle.


If you want to avoid the hassle of getting your car detailed at home, mobile auto detailing in Anaheim, CA, will come right up to wherever it is that you can be reached. You don’t have to wait around in a lobby or take time off work for this service – indicate what location works best, and they’ll show up there!


Mobile detailing services are often more affordable than the standard type because they usually offer lower initial rates. Not only that, mobile detailers might reward you with their special promotional prices for asking if there’s space available in your area or workplace–and this makes it easier on everyone!

Easier to work around your schedule

Now you can get the same high-quality exterior clean and car detailing service on any vehicle at your convenience with 714 Luke Detailers Anaheim, CA.

The professional team will provide a suitable appointment, provided they’re available that day or next week!

Safer for cars than standard car washes

A car wash may be convenient, but it’s not the safest way to clean your vehicle. Mobile detailing services have been shown time and again as being better for maintaining your car and keeping it looking good as new.

High quality and reliable

The best mobile detailing services have been handled with extra care and attention, as opposed to a standard or automated car wash. You can trust that your vehicle will be well-cared for by professionals who know what they’re doing using quality products such as Undrdog, SPS, Meguiars, etc.

Why should cars get auto detailing services in Anaheim, California, Orange County?

Auto detailing is a great way to keep your car looking its best. Your auto detailer will do everything they can so that you never have an issue with weathering, scratches, or other damages on the outside of this precious vehicle! And it won’t just help do paint jobs last longer – even if we’re talking about brand new cars here! Auto Detailing also helps protect against wear-and-tear from daily use, which means more peace of mind when driving around town.

Besides keeping your vehicle safe from wear and tear-related issues or making sure they stay looking great at all times, there are a few other benefits to seeking out auto detailers in Anaheim, CA.

Services We Offer

We’re not your average detail shop. We specialize in high-quality car detailing and other cleaning services to help you keep up with the latest trends, as well as restore old cars into pristine condition! Our team is trained for any vehicle; we’ll ensure that even those neglected favorites get their fair share of TLC before returning them safely home again.

Our mobile detailing service is below:

Exterior Detailing

We’re serious about providing a superior detailing service for our customers. We offer it to them in Anaheim. In addition to using high-quality cleaning tools and products on every surface of their vehicle or truck (including wheels), they also receive expert help removing any residue from the environment, such as tar, glue, watersports, and more! Visit more info about exterior car washes here, or feel free to call right now if this sounds good – (714) 724-9255.

Mobile Car Wash

We’re not your typical seven-dollar gas station, drive-thru car wash. We work by appointment only, so get in touch today! We recommend our services because, at the most affordable rates in Anaheim, our complete cleaning service will give you back that glossy shine on your vehicle’s exterior along with vacuuming and a freshener – all included when booking an appointment time or schedule service by calling us ahead of time.

Mobile auto detail upholstery cleaning

You know that feeling when you have a car, but it’s just not yours anymore? You might be wondering how to get rid of those deep stains, so they don’t come back. Well, we’re the professionals who can help! Our Anaheim upholstery cleaning crew will take care of all interior finishes such as leather or suede- no matter what type of fabric is used in your seats.

We provide full service for buffing treatments and repairing pieces with the best products – count on us now to take care of your car or motorcycle.

Tire & Wheel Cleaner

  • Remove Tough Stains;
  • Safely remove the toughest brake dust and road grime on any wheel or tire;
  • Rapid decontamination, restore luster;
  • Cleans away harmful salt and winter grime for car wheel;
  • Safe on tire and wheel finishes.

What is included in the car wash services?

Here are ordinary car detailing services that professional detailers typically include in their packages or offer separately.

Interior mobile auto detailing

  • You’ll be sure to get rid of any dirt from your car with a vacuum. Vacuuming seats, carpets, or mats will leave it looking spotless in more ways than one!
  • You’ll never have to worry about your floors looking dirty again! Scrubbing and brushing is a quick way of making them look like a new car.
  • So, you require a way to get out those pesky stains? The perfect solution is steam cleaning! Unlike chemical treatments, which can damage carpets and upholstery over time (and are less effective), this method uses heat to melt away oil without damaging its fibers or leaving behind any harmful byproducts on top.
  • Interior cleaning glass is important because it removes dirt, impacting your visibility during driving. You can clean the windows with a cloth or paper towel if you don’t want to use chemicals for fear of scratching them too much and compromising their effectiveness in blocking outside elements from entering into vehicle interiors where they might cause damage over time!
  • A leather cleaning and safe soap are used to clean any dirty or greasy parts of your car, truck, motorcycle. The benefits of this service come with an upgrade in appearance that will make you want to wax those chrome handles!

Exterior car wash service

  • To keep your car looking pristine, we use a specially formulated product for this task. It includes everything from the rims of vehicles and exterior surfaces like bumpers or side mirrors!
  • A clay bar is an excellent way to remove contaminants, overspray, or residue from your car’s paint. The results will be cleaner and more smooth surfaces that can better take on polish & waxes applied in future “Paint Cleaning.”
  • A car’s exterior is how it reflects light, and the way that you care for your vehicle will dictate what kind of mirror image remains. Polishing means removing any minor scratches or swirls from this reflection, so there are no distractions concerning age!
  • Waxing your car can give it that glossy shine, but a sealant will also do the trick and protect against water damage. You might even want to book an appointment for ceramic coating!

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Premier Mobile Auto Detailers